An excellent fishing experience starts with the comfort and safety of the boat.  Thereafter, your fishing enjoyment depends greatly upon the Captain’s expertise.  Charter Fishing Captain Don Dineen of the SURE LURE Charter Company has an in-depth knowledge of the habits of the various species of fish in the Gulf waters, and knows the best techniques to find, hook, and land the “keepers.”

Captain Don - Charter Fishing Captain

A lifelong resident of the Destin area, Captain Don is a US Coast Guard certified vessel master licensed to skipper up to 100 tons. He has over 30 years of professional boating, fishing, and maritime experience. He is also a licensed PADI rescue diver, dive master, dive instructor, and competent surfer. Captain Don is certified in CPR and upholds the values of “Safety First”.  Per Captain Don, “Safety + Fishing = Fun.”

An accomplished angler and serious contender, Captain Don has personally been involved in collecting over a half million dollars in tournament winnings.   With Captain Don at the helm, the Team SURE LURE captured the 2012 COBIA WORLD CHAMPIONS title (93.7 lb Cobia), the 2016 WOMEN’S COBIA WORLD CHAMPIONS title (an honor the Team SURE LURE has held six times since 2009), and the coveted FIRST PLACE GROUPER (64.0 lb Gag Grouper) in the Destin Fishing Rodeo.  While he enjoys all fishing, Capt. Don’s ultimate passion is Cobia sight fishing, and he lives for each Spring when that species makes its annual migration through Northwest Florida.

Captain Don - Charter Fishing CaptainBottom line, Captain Don grew up fishing, diving, and surfing the Destin waters. You can trust him for a no non-sense, safe, and quality fishing expedition.

The Crew
Supporting Captain Dineen are a top-notch crew of licensed Captains and competent deck officers who are tried and true professionals that value customer service. Each member of our crew truly cares about the consistent performance and attitude they bring to work each day, and take pride in ensuring your fishing trip is exceptional, memorable, and non-intimidating.

Come Fish With Me!